
Back To Update My Dead Bloggie ^-^

Hmm.. quite a boring day today
Had Chinese early in the morning
Chinese lesson today was abit crazy
Was laughing abt something
When my teacher suddenly came and
I expected her to tell me pay attention or smth
Then she said:
'You look so much prettier when you smile'
Then we started laughing when she walk away
Aft that English
Quite boring =.-
And aft was recess~! xD
Followed by lit then history
Aft Hist. was Math :l
Math was crappy =.=
There was this homework that was given
And almost the whole class dunno how
To do Q. 5 & 6
And when she walked around to check our work,
She told me and sp to stand
Juz bcuz idk how to do Q. 3
And jus bcuz sp didnt unstd
I was like:
'Ehh, Wtf? Whats her prob i really dunno
How to do then she ask me stand she
'Walao she bytch la, I dun even unstd the Q.
hw to do?! -.-"  '
'Walao I think she hate us lor, other also
nv do other Q. then only make we 2 stand'
'She bytch la'
Aft that she tell us take out math set
Then just nice nv bring -.-
Then she tell those who didnt bring to
Copy out the whole of exercise 4
Aft Math had  P.E
During P.E there were 2 teachers there
To me they were jus being extra
But they were jus trying to see how our class
Played table tennis for P.E ^^
Aft P.E was lunch xD
Had mushroom soup^^
While ordering i said: mushroom soap
Rofl XD
But the auntie still unstd lol
Aft lunch stayed back for english project till 5+
Then played volleyball for about 20min
Home-ed ^-^

Hey hey xD

Bwahahax long time no blogged
hmm.. lets talk about..
ohh kay linkss
hmm.. been a long time since i changed blog skin yea?
hmm.. time to edit my blogskin..
something missin..
oo yea th links are missin
time to link all of you up eh?
hmm.. kindly tag me with ur blog links [:
thx v. much
hmm lets talk about wax in the city ba
Ohh yea.. if anyone wan th group link for tht,
heres th link
th victims of wax in th city actually wan to go sue them
and i think they'll be sue-ing them today xD
hmm.. nth else to say? lawl..
remember to tag and give me your links (:
post again nex time :D
byesh <3