Harlowx ppl
Juz gonna make a short post :l
Err...Well sort of quitted habbo at 10.45 juz nw =PP
Cause charlotte agreed to it :D
Though wenwei didnt really agree ._.
So i quit liao
Should be cuz i found it boring ba =P
Some more every time on liao juz loiter or afk there de
So...Buhbyes habbo (:
Well...I'll still go back once in awhile
Err...f.y.i Furni and Credits there will remain at mai acc
Juz in case someone wan take =รพ
xDD err.. thats all le ba :l
Still not done with packing...Lolx
Just found my sleeping bag xD
Wonder how will camp go...
Just looking forward to the flying fox only..
Some ppl say at night at the flying fox thr got ghost wor
Heex so interesting xD Hoping to sleep in Hut8 :D
Cuz thr also got ghost i think
Kkayx I think thats all le ba..
Blog again aft my camp (:
Buh byes ;DBtw cont vote for these urls: th-sensationalfeeling.blogspot.com[2] th-serenewinter.bs.com[3] th-temptation.bs.com[4]