Why are hamsters life span soooo short?!?!
omg mikey i'll miss u! :(
sigh yesterday took mike to e vet
th doc say he got CANCER!
i was like WTF
he got cAnCeR?
thn e doc say he will go OFF anyTIME?
MAN D: y is hamsters life span soo damn fckin short?
sigh sigh
hammy not in gd condition now :(
SO damn worried
so sudden walao who ask th doc so straight forward
man fck fck FCK
this is so shit
oral coming soon thn mikey got cancer
man mikey i wanna have more time with u
dont go off so sudden
man i'll miss mikey loads D:
sigh i'd be glad if mikey did'nt have any illness :|
hopefully he recovers
recover mikey~~
post next time.