ystrday was so fun
went out for ice-cream party
sure had a great time there
ystrday was like th best day of my life!! =^_^=
after school
went opp schl munch for lunch
thn 3.30 went home w/o bag
thn play com game :D
thn 6.00 went bck to schl
took bag
saw val
waited wif her for szeyan
thn we took 113
thn on e bus
she ask her mom if she could come for e party
thn last minute she said ''no''!
thn i was like wat?!?!
it was like both me & val knew she couldnt come
(its always a lie!!! :@!!!!!! )
so went of w/o her
thn took e mrt to sengkang
thn i bought my dinner at mcdonald :D
thn went to oldchangkee
and waited for val's friends
thn went to dayna's house
played somegames while waiting for lavette & her friends
thn whn she came we started e activities
e first game was banana split:D
:D it was fun both groups got a tie :D
thn second game was
something like a bone was placed
in the middle of e
ice-cream tub
and we are suppose to eat the ice-cream
and make our opponent make the cone drop
:D and this time our group won :D
thn it was time to eat out own banana split :D
it tasted great!
thn after that was devotion
shared by val
thn added in lavette
thn had a time of praying
thn it was 10pm whn we left dayna's house
we left and walked to the mrt
val & her friends sent me of
reached home at 10.30pm or later
thn bathed
watched tv till 11.45pm